Plans for a vibrant new community at North Wilton, framed by green space and supported by schools, shops and community facilities are on exhibition for community consultation.
Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said the draft precinct plan would create a dynamic new community just north of the proposed Wilton New Town as well as generate 5,500 local jobs and 1,200 construction jobs.
“Wilton’s proximity to the growth opportunities in South West Sydney and the Illawarra makes it a perfect place to deliver a new community, particularly in areas which have good access to employment hubs including the proposed Western Sydney Airport,” Mr Roberts said.
“The NSW Government is also keen to ensure there is a mix of housing types in the right areas so NSW can continue to thrive. Older people, families with children, singles and couples all need and deserve greater choice in housing, including detached, semi-detached, terraces and townhouses as well as medium density housing adjacent to a lakeside activity area and a local centre located in the north of the precinct.
“A planned network of parks, rivers, bushland and street trees supports a good quality of life and is as crucial to cities as transport, road upgrades, schools and health facilities.
“This precinct is framed by more than 385 hectares of environmentally-sensitive land which will be protected, so this unique environment and the wildlife that inhabits it can be enjoyed in years to come.”
Member for Wollondilly, Jai Rowell, welcomed the 5,600 new homes, community facilities and infrastructure the plan for North Wilton would bring to the area.
“We have an enviable lifestyle in the south west and understand why people want to live here. These plans include great services like a local centre with a proposed primary school and K-12 Anglican school, sporting fields, lakeside activity area and walking and cycle ways.
“As Wilton grows, its new Town Centre – connected to a network of village centres and the lakeside activity hub on the NorthWilton site – will create the opportunity for more than 15,500 local jobs. These jobs would be in a variety of industries such as knowledge and professional services, and the health and education sectors, reducing the need for long commutes to work and giving families more time to spend together,” Mr Rowell said. “To support development in this precinct, road upgrades will include new freeway entry and exit ramps connected to the Hume Motorway and upgrades to Picton Road and Hume Motorway interchange.”
The Department of Planning and Environment has worked with the landowner Bradcorp, Wollondilly Shire Council and other government agencies on the draft plan to ensure key infrastructure is in place at the same time as homes are built.
The plan has been guided by the Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan for the Wilton Growth Area.
It is on exhibition for public feedback until 18 February 2018.Community information sessions will be held early next year.
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