The Bradcorp Community Partnership Fund continued its longtime support of the Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation this time as the Major Sponsor of the Foundation’s Annual Golf Day held last Monday at Camden Lakeside Country Club.
As Bradcorp Chief Executive Peter Brennan explains, “We have been involved with Kids of Macarthur from the get-go and we hope our continued support will help them with their fundraising efforts and the marvellous job that they do for the community.
“We’ve always taken the view that Bradcorp is in this area for the long haul,” said Mr Brennan. “And that means doing what we can to help create better communities where we develop land and homes.”
The Fund was established by Bradcorp in 1998 to demonstrate the company’s deep commitment to the area in which it develops and has distributed mare than $3.1 million to the local community with an emphasis on supporting many community projects that do not have sufficient funding from government sources.